Friday, 13 December 2013

 Peter Armistead takes 3rd place in Whistler 50!

You may recognize this photo from the cover a recent edition of the Whistler Question. Yes Peter caused quite a stir with his incredible podium worthy performance in his first ever ultra marathon...and rightly so!

I helped Peter prepare for this 50 Mile race and got to know him pretty well during our many hours spent out on the trails. I have to say that I'm impressed but not surprised by Peter's third place finish. In an effort to help you get to know the man behind the performance a little better, here's my attempt at being a sports journalist; 

Peter, what do you enjoy about running?
"I've been a recreational runner for many years but it was only since starting trail running last year that my interest has really spiked. For me the combination of being in the mountains, seeing and smelling nature and breathing in the fresh air totally invigorates me.  Add to that an amazing work out and trail running really takes top spot as my favorite summer sport.  It really takes me back to basics. There's nothing more basic than a person and a pair of running shoes going up and down a few mountains using his body."

What do like about racing?  
 "Racing really takes running to another level.  You obviously need to have all the right preparation and training but when it comes to a race nothing can provide you with that 10-20% extra that you always manage to find. In a race I am constantly borderline out of control. I'm pushing my heart, muscles and nutritional preparations in ways that I would never have planned for.  As Mike Tyson once said "everyone has a plan, until they get hit in the face".  Its the same in running. You never know what you're capable of until you're in the unknown."

Finally, how does running contribute to your overall training program and health?
 "I left my life as a corporate lawyer in London to become a skier and improve my fitness levels. I spent several years getting fitter and stronger, but it wasn't until I started running with focus that I really improved my fitness levels.  Last year I increased my running from doing 3 runs of about 40 mins each a week on the Valley Trail, to trail running up to a couple of hours 5 times a week. I signed up with Chris as I was at a plateau and I didn't think it was possible for me as a 41 year old to make any more improvements by myself.  I was basically going out and doing the same type of runs (hard and fast for as long as I could) and getting the same results (which weren't bad admittedly!).  It was certainly better than not going out and running!!  However with Chris's expert knowledge and instruction, the last 5 months have been absolutely life changing for me and my fitness levels."
Way to go Peter! What a day!


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