Saturday, 16 July 2011

Take a Hike!

I've always believed that the best exercise program is the one that you actually do. Enjoying your workout is crucial to ensuring ongoing fitness improvements. In my experience, I haven't met many people who don't enjoy a good wander in the wilderness. From babbling brooks and wildlife viewings, to the fresh air of mountaintop summits, there are many reasons to take a hike. The least of which being that it provides a killer workout. Regardless of whether you're hiking a trail in your backyard, or trekking to Everest Basecamp, the simple act of putting one foot in front of the other is a great way to use your body the way it was designed to be used.

Hiking Musical Bumps in Whistler
Strength Training: My favorite thing about hiking is the variety of movements your body must produce to negotiate a given trail. Each and every step you take places a slightly different stress on the muscles surrounding the hip, knee, and ankle joints. Taking big steps over rocks and roots, quick strides down a steep slope, and jumping over streams all require different movements and, consequently, different muscular contractions which ultimately produce a variety of postive adaptations. Training doesn't get any more "functional" than this.

Aerobic Training: Hiking is an excellent form of aerobic training, For the most part, hiking falls into the "long duration, low intensity" category and as such relies primarily on the oxidative system. Since a typical gym workout generally lasts no more than an hour, hiking for a number of hours is a great opportunity to expose your body to some great oxidative (aerobic) training and challenge your current endurance level.

Core Training: Then there's the incredible "core" workout that takes place. To keep your upper body upright and stabilized as you move through undulating terrain, the muscles that lie deep within the abdomen are contstantly working. Carry a heavy backpack and you'll reap even further benefits and extend the workout higher up your torso into further stabilizing muscles. So next time you sneak some rocks into you buddy's pack, consider it doing him/her a favour.

Which way to the beach?
Use the link below to find some trails your area...

Now get out and explore!